How to Secure SSH Server from Attacks

SSH attacks are quite common if you are running SSH on Port 22. Most automated robots try to login as root with various brute force and dictionary combinations to get access to your server. If you have weak root password then chances are there that your server could be compromised. Further these robots put a lot of load on your server with thousands of retries to break in to your system.

How do i know that my server is being attacked?

Just check the logs of your server

nano /var/log/secure
nano /var/log/messages

There you will see logs of thousands or hundreds of repeated number of attempts from different IPs attempting to breakin to your server with different dictionary/brute force password combinations.You could be getting hundreds of automated attempts every minute that could slow down your server.

Method 1: Simple SSH Security

The simplest way secure your SSH is to run SSH on the different port other than default port 22. The hardening of SSH can be acheived by the following simple steps:

Initial Steps

Before you harden the SSH, first make sure you create a user name and password. If you are running cpanel, then you might want to add the username to cpanel wheel group.

To adduser and make the member of cpanel group

adduser <username> -G wheel

To set the password for the user

passwd <username>

Once the user has been created and added to Wheel group, edit the ssh configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_conf

Step1: Change the default port 22 to any port number, say 2199 and set the protocol to just Protocol 2 which is a more secure protocol

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# /etc/ssh/sshd_conf

Port 2199
Protocol 2
#ListenAddress ::

Step2: Disable root login

Locate the line # PermitRootLogin yes in the configuration file and change it to no

PermitRootLogin no

once you save this configuration and restart your SSH you will not be able to login as root and will be able to login only at Port 2129.

/etc/init.d/sshd restart
// to restart the SSH server

Step 3: Testing the SSH

To test whether the settings with SSH, open putty and enter the <IP-Address> and the port 2129 to login. Now login as <username> which you created previously with the password. Once you have successfully logged in, then su to root to do root tasks

> su root

Be careful that you dont forget or lose both the passwords as otherwise you will not be able to login with SSH.

Method 2: Using SSH Public/Private Key Authentication

Using the SSH with public key authentication is one of the best proven method to safeguard your SSH server. All you need to do is put the private key in your putty (ssh client) and the public key in your server

PrivateKey -> Stored in Client and used by Putty
PublicKey -> Stored in Remote Server ( in /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys file)

Tools Required

Putty (SSH Login client)
PuttyGen (Putty Key Generator Tool to save Private key)

Step 1:
To enable the public key authentication you have to enable it in the SSH config file /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Look for the following lines and uncomment them

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys

Step 2:

Assuming that pbu is the username, we generate both public and private keys in the server.

[pbu@localhost ~]$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/pbu/.ssh/id_dsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/pbu/.ssh/id_dsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/pbu/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
a9:22:30:c4:ed:df:1c:e5:7b:3c:53:b4:82:aa:33:18 pbu@vps.localhost

As you carefully notice

id_dsa -> private key stored at /home/<username>/.ssh/ -> is the public key /home/<username>/.ssh/

Step 3: Downloading Private Key to Putty (SSH client)

In this step we are going copy the private key from server to our putty in the form of .ppk (putty private key file). Remember private key must be held in the client side and the public key in the server side (inside /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys file)

Open the file id_dsa and copy the contents of the file. Comeback to windows and paste into a notepad file (say privkey.txt). Make sure that there is no new line at the top or else you will get "invalid private key" from puttygen.

Start puttygen.exe > Load Existing Private Key > privkey.txt > Save Private Key

Save the private key as privkey.ppk

Step 4: Copying Public Key to Server

Nowwe need to a new file called authorized_keys inside .ssh folder within the users home directory. You should store the public key there. I am renaming the existing to authorized_keys as we wont be needing the file. In linux moving a file is a shortcut for renaming a file.

cd /home/<user>/.ssh
mv authorized_keys

Thats it we have finished copying both public and private keys.

You can also delete id_dsa and in your server

Thats it! All you need to do is just connect to server to see whether it works.

Final Steps

Start Putty > Enter IP > New Port, then load the private key SSH > Auth > Browse Private Key for Authentication

Then connect and once you enter the user name the putty would authenticate yourself with public key authentication.

Once you find public key authentication working properly you can safely disable the password authentication inside ssh configuration file.

Note: If you have used passphrase (other than empty) you might be asked for the passphrase you used while generating the keys

Frequently Asked Questions

I am getting error "Server refused our key" while connecting to server?

It could be caused by unwanted line breaks while copying the public key from puttygen to server. Try generating the public/private key from the server instead of generating the public/private key pair from puttygen.

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